A love of the outdoors and a fascination with wildlife formed early and never left.


Justin Durango

Certified Permaculture Designer

NC Licensed Landscape Contractor #3549

Horticulturist & Landscape Design Consultant

B.S. Horticulture Sciences - Landscape Design, NC State University

I grew up in Greensboro, NC, and I spent many of the nights and weekends of my youth wandering the forests near my house or tending my family’s vegetable garden. A love of the outdoors and a fascination with wildlife formed early and never left.

Upon entering college, my strong math and science skills, as well as an interest in design, led me to NCSU for studies in engineering. Following those studies was a 5-year career working for a small engineering firm in RTP where I designed, built, and tested LED lighting systems. However, my love of plants and wildlife eventually pulled me away from engineering and back to NCSU for a degree in horticulture science with a focus in landscape design.

During my studies, I held internships at the JC Raulston Arboretum (JCRA) and Bland Landscaping Company, where I was exposed to a wide range of landscape design and implementation practices, from public gardens to residential landscapes and commercial campuses. I also acted as a teaching assistant for both Permaculture and Plant Identification classes at NCSU, where I had the opportunity to share my love of both plants and teaching. In 2014, I was awarded a scholarship by the JCRA to attend the Chelsea Flower Show in London, England, and helped to construct the pavilion for the Crug Farm Plants display at this internationally-renowned event.

Upon graduation, I had a brief stint as a residential landscape designer for Greenscape Inc. before deciding to start my own landscape design business. Garden Harmony is the culmination of years worth of horticulture and design experience with a foundation in construction and engineering. My design style focuses on creating beautiful environments for property owners and healthy habitats for wildlife while offering as much education as possible.

Professional Landscape Horticulture Services

From consultations to hand pruning, we offer a variety of professional services to improve your outdoor environments and strengthen your connection to nature.